Home Forums Support Getting Started Not Able To Bond

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    • khatley
      Post count: 4

      I click on scan, the button turns to scanning but I never get a blue bar to click.  The lights on the meter change from blue to green for second then goes dark while scanning.  When it changes back to scan I get a brief red light and back to blue.  It appears I am unable to bond. Please let me know what I am doing wrong.

    • rguttosch
      Post count: 63

      What smartphone model do you have? Which version of the OS (iOS or Android) is installed?

    • khatley
      Post count: 4

      IphoneX 11.1.2

    • rguttosch
      Post count: 63

      Thanks, Ken. Have had one other person with similar issue on iPhone X, iOS version 11.2.1.

      Updating to iOS version 11.2.1 fixed it.

    • khatley
      Post count: 4

      upgrading to 11.2.1 did not fix the issue for me.

    • khatley
      Post count: 4

      Any other suggestions?

    • rguttosch
      Post count: 63

      Ken – thanks for discussing this with me on the phone. While you were able to get the meter going with an earlier iPhone model, clearly we need to fix this issue with the iPhone X and 8 Plus. The Bluetooth connection has been solid with earlier models: SE, 6, 6S, 7. I will start a separate thread for this.

    • almacpwr
      Post count: 3

      Hi Rudy

      Just received my meter . I have iPhone 8+ 11.2.1 ,I also can’t bond meter. Same scenario as Ken

    • rguttosch
      Post count: 63

      Thanks: iPhone 8+ 11.2.1

      We are very eager to get this fixed. Earlier models through 7 Plus work. Also, please try to erase any bonding information in your meter – from [this forum post]

      If you haven’t already tried it.


      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Illuminati.
      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Illuminati.
    • almacpwr
      Post count: 3

      Hi Rudy

      I tried un-bonding procedure , No bueno.


    • rguttosch
      Post count: 63

      OK. We will get it debugged. Do you have an older model you can use in the meantime?

    • almacpwr
      Post count: 3

      Hi , Dug out an old iPhone 5 and it bonds and works OK.

    • Tigerbait1953
      Post count: 1

      Same issue for me with iPhone X and 11.2.1 already installed. I do have an iPhone 7 plus with 11.2.1 installed as well. I will try that and post my result. I just received my meters today. From the look of the software I can pair both meters to the phone. I’m assuming only one at a time????

    • rguttosch
      Post count: 63

      You can pair them both at the same time. We have frequently run two or more meters in the app while testing both Android and iPhone.

    • Anonymous
      Post count: 7

      Follow up on this thread. It has been resolved. Here is Mike’s post from a different thread:


      We have resolved this bug. It was caused by low-level Bluetooth protocol change in newer iPhones. Android phones and iPhone 7 or earlier phones are not affected. Only IM100 meters shipped before Jan 1, 2018 will have a problem.

      Please contact us if your meter was shipped before Jan 1, 2018 and you can’t connect to your iPhone 8 or X. The issue can be resolved with a meter firmware update. You can update the firmware yourself if you have access to an Android or older iPhone, but the process is fairly technical. Or, if you prefer, you can ship your meter back to us and we will update the firmware for you. Most meters are updated and shipped out the same day they’re received.


    • TigerPix
      Post count: 2

      Sorry for my “test” message. I wrote a lengthy description to my problem and then it wouldn’t post. Here is the condensed version: I have 2 meters, the one I left unnamed is working and pairs with my Samsung S7. THe one I named, will not pair to my phone. I read through a lot of threads and did not bond it to my phone, but my p[hone doesn’t find it at all while it is pulsing it’s blue light. Help!

    • rguttosch
      Post count: 63

      Did you try the ideas presented [here]?

      And please send a message to “info” at illuminatiinstruments-dot-com with your meter serial numbers. We may need to talk on the phone about this. I will try to replicate the issue with one of our test phones.

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