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  • Illuminati
    Post count: 2

    Yes, the command to get the reading in lux is “GRL”, as in “Get Reading in Lux”. Most commands start with either “S” (for setting parameters) or “G”, (for getting parameters or data).

    So you would send over the serial port GRL<CR>. The meter will respond with grl nnn.nnn, where “nnn.nnn” is the measured light level in lux. Note that commands are not case sensitive. The Puck’s replies will always start with the command, so you know the command was accepted and that’s what it’s responding to.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Illuminati.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Illuminati.
    Post count: 2

    @brusby – your meter will need to be returned to Santa Clara to be updated.

    Please send your meter to:

    Illuminati Instrument Corp.

    Attn: Firmware Upgrade

    2118 Walsh Ave.

    Suite 220

    Santa Clara, CA 95050


    Please also include a business card or a note with your return address on it. Please also write “Firmware Upgrade” on it.

    And let us know if you have any additional questions or concerns.

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