Tagged: puck putty
Hello ,
I was looking at manual V2.0 to see commands to read lux
Manual says GRLit i not-clear to me how to use this command GRL
is it get GRL
Yes, the command to get the reading in lux is “GRL”, as in “Get Reading in Lux”. Most commands start with either “S” (for setting parameters) or “G”, (for getting parameters or data).
So you would send over the serial port
. The meter will respond withgrl nnn.nnn
, where “nnn.nnn” is the measured light level in lux. Note that commands are not case sensitive. The Puck’s replies will always start with the command, so you know the command was accepted and that’s what it’s responding to.-
This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by
This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by
This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by
Hello ,
As I opened serial port , but not sure how to use GRL command .
as i cannot use GRL command directly through command line. Not sure how to use the command.
Hi Naveen,
You need to use a serial terminal emulator program to communicate with the Puck. Popular choices are
(https://www.putty.org/) for Windows, Linux, Mac orminicom
(Linux, Max). Set the terminal for 115200 baud, 8 bits, no parity, one stop bit (“8N1”).The Puck is intended to be controlled through a programming language such as C/C++, Python, MATLAB, or Labview. They are not really meant to be controlled from the DOS command line.
Hello ,
I tried to use minicom and putty . In putty I selected serial /dev/ttyUSB0 as that is what port i see puck is attached to.
I did set the parameters asdefined above.
My main gaol is to use python to read lux and CCT values
In python do i need to open serail port first.
ser =serail.Serial(“dev/ttyUSB0,115200)
but after that I have ser. read and ser.write
not sure how to use GRL commnd to read lux valaue in my code.thanks
Naveen -
Hi Naveen,
We do have a prototype Python3 driver. It was developed on Windows, but it should be useful for developing a driver on a Mac or Linux system.
I’ll contact you through email with the details.
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